Pakistan Journal of Wildlife Vol 7 Issue 2
S. No Article Download 1 Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters in the Wild Amphibian Enviroment of Taluka Kotri, District Jamshoro, Sindh-Pakistan. 1. Assesment of Physico Chemical Parameters in the Wild 2 Accumulation of Some Heavy Metals in Selected Tissues of...
2-day Hands-on-Training on Animal Preservation & Taxidermy Techniques
Taxidermy is an art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals especially vertebrates for display and other sources of study. Taxidermy can be done on all vertebrate species of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. It is a...
PWF Celebrates World Wildlife Day 2019
PWF Celebrates World Wildlife Day 2019 Pakistan Wildlife Foundation (PWF) celebrated “World Wildlife Day 2019” in G-11-Islamabad with the residential community, Ms.Minahil Safwan, Junior ambassador of PWF explained the importance of this day and about the theme and...