About Us


Pakistan Wildlife Foundation


Pakistan Wildlife Foundation (PWF) was established in January 2010 as a Non-profit Conservation
Organization and registered on June 4, 2010, under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. The
The foundation was incorporated with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) in October
2010 under Corporate Universal Identification No. 0073723. The foundation is governed by a Board of
A Technical Advisory Committee supports directors.


Build an educated and caring nation responsive towards Mother Nature


To educate the general public in the country regarding biodiversity, environment and social issues with a
view to changing their attitudes towards positive, sensible and responsible actions towards nature.


  • To protect, preserve, conserve and manage wildlife resources and their habitat.
  • To provide a platform for the public and professionals to share their wildlife-related experiences and thoughts and make them accessible to students, researchers and policymakers.
  • To allow hunting through a sustainable wildlife development program.


The Patron in Chief of Pakistan Wildlife Foundation is Let Gen. (R) Ali Kuli Khan

There are five directors / promoters of Pakistan Wildlife Foundation

Sr. No.                Name                                          Affiliation / Profession                                                 Position
1          Dr. Waseem Ahmad Khan               Founder Fellow, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation                     Chairman
2          Dr. Maqsood Anwar                         Professor at UAAR, Rawalpindi                                       Board Member / Director
3          Dr. Ejaz Ahmad                                Deputy Director General (R), WWF-Pakistan                  Board Member / Director
4          Mr. Abdul Sattar Khan                      Founder Fellow, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation                Board Member / Director
5          Mr. Safwan Shahab Ahmad             Founder Fellow, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation                 Board Member/ Director




  1. Chairman                                                                                     Mr. Waseem Ahmad Khan
  2. Vice President, Sindh                                                                 Dr. A. A. Quraishy
  3. Vice President, Punjab                                                               Dr. Mohammad Akhtar
  4. Vice President   AJ&K                                                                  Mr. Javaid Ayub
  5. Secretary General                                                                       Mr. Ahmer Mujtaba
  6. National Coordinator                                                                 Dr. Atif Yaqub
  7. Coordinator Sindh                                                                      Mr. Syed Shamim Fakhri
  8. Coordinator Azad Jammu & Kashmir                                       Dr. Muhammad Siddiq Awan
  9. Media Manager                                                                            Mr. Safwan Shahab Ahmed


Technical Advisory Council comprises of representatives from Academia, Provincial Forests and Wildlife Departments, Conservationists and Activists. The role of TAC members is to provide technical assistance on conservation issues, recent trends in wildlife conservation and management and to advocate about the mission and objectives.


The core of experts of PWF comprises of 50 members including 26 PhDs having expertise in all the disciplines of wildlife conservation, research and management including; Plant Taxonomists, Botanists, Foresters, Animal Taxonomists, Ichthyologists, Herpetologists, Ornithologists, Mammalogists, Entomologists, Field biologists, Environmentalists, Wildlife Ecologists, Wildlife Biologists, Wildlife Managers, Wildlife Damage Control Specialists, Wildlife Rescuers, Conservation Breeding Specialists, Veterinarians, GIS Specialists, Wildlife Photographers, Wildlife Videographers, Wildlife Artists and Taxidermists.


1. Wildlife of Pakistan (A Quarterly Magazine)
PWF has launched a quarterly magazine; Wildlife of Pakistan in order to disseminate wildlife related news, issues, ideas and information for wildlife lovers in the country and abroad and to provide a platform for nature lovers, university students and researchers to share their wildlife related experiences. The magazine also serves as a medium to propagate the achievements and land marks of provincial wildlife departments and help develop interest among youth of the country towards wildlife and nature conservation.

2. Pakistan Journal of Wildlife (A Peer-reviewed Research Journal)
PWF has launched a bi-annual peer-reviewed research journal; Pakistan Journal of Wildlife. Publication of a research article in a peer-reviewed research journal costs in thousands which is beyond the capacity of our young scientists. Publishing a research in Pakistan Journal of Wildlife is free of cost and hence, a support to the young scientists and researchers. This is also an initiative to publicize any wildlife related research that remained unpublished due to lack of financial resources.

3. Wildlife Talks
PWF has launched a series of informal meetings and brainstorming sessions for wildlife lovers in Pakistan in order to educate the masses in the country regarding biodiversity. WILDLIFE TALKS is a platform whereby the young scientists, wildlife lovers, wildlife managers and policy makers of the country meet the senior scientists and wildlife ecologists and get benefited through advisory and suggestions of the seniors and learn about recent trends in wildlife conservation. WILDLIFE TALKS are being organized regularly in different cities in collaboration with universities and wildlife departments.

4. Wildlife Safari
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has provided a platform and an opportunity for the NATURE LOVERS in Pakistan and abroad to explore the nature and natural wealth of the country and observe and enjoy the outstanding scenery, natural landscape, majestic and awe-inspiring places, natural flora and fauna in their natural states through WILDLIFE SAFARI IN PAKISTAN. Wildlife Safari visits are organized in northern colder regions of Pakistan during hot summers and southern plains during winters. Participants have the choice of staying at hotels or enjoy camping in the wild. Food, transport, security and first-aid facilities are provided. Different visits in the Salt Range (Punjab), Karoonjhar Hills (Sindh) and Neelum Valley (AJK) have so far been organized.

5. Wildlife Photography Field Training
Wildlife photography is an essential tool for monitoring the wildlife populations and is widely applied throughout the world for educational and research purposes. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation organizes such trainings regularly in different areas in Pakistan with the objectives to train amateur photographers, students and nature lovers in Wildlife Photography. Informal lectures on basic and advance techniques in wildlife photography and importance, ecological role and behavior of different wildlife species are delivered by resources persons. The participants also enjoy traveling through the wild lands, observe wildlife species in their natural habitats and have opportunities to photograph them. The participants are also awarded with certificates after the training.

6. Taxidermy Training
Taxidermy is an art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals especially vertebrates for display and other sources of study. It is a source of information and awareness raising about biodiversity and portraying the ecological role of different species and also the fundamental art to establish Natural History Museums. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation regularly organizes such training workshops in collaboration with universities, conservation organizations and research institutes. These trainings cover the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of stuffing the animals as well as making replicas and models. The resource persons also highlight the history, evolution, importance and techniques of taxidermy as well as animal collection, preservation and mounting techniques.

7. Wildlife Training Courses (through Distance Learning)
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation offers a wide range of short courses in wildlife related fields through distant learning. Each course is of 3-months duration including a written test, a viva voce and one-day orientation workshop. Study material is sent to the students in three parts/assignments; one part per month along with a questionnaire. The study material is in English language however, a few courses are available in both English and Urdu languages. After receiving all the three assignments back, a written test and a one-day evaluation workshop is organized and certificates are awarded to the successful students. Following is the list of available courses;

Animal Rights and Wildlife Legislation
Conservation Breeding / Captive Breeding Techniques
GIS and Remote Sensing
Ichthyological Survey Techniques
Herpetology and Herpetological Survey Techniques
Mammalogy and Small / Large Mammals Field Techniques
Natural History Museum Development
Ornithology and Bird Watching Techniques
Taxidermy & Animal Preserving / Stuffing Techniques
Wildlife Habitat Analysis
Wildlife Management
Wildlife Photography Techniques
Wildlife Population Assessment Techniques
Zoo Management and Animal Keeping
Scientific & Technical Writing (reports and popular, review and research Articles)

8. Eco-Internship
(Opportunity of Experiential Learning for School Students)

This is a field oriented 2-3 days internship specifically for school students. The internees are taken to different protected areas in the country. A biodiversity specialist, a medical specialist and two security guards accompany each group and the internees are trained for species identification, census methods, tracking, marking, camping and First-Aid. The internees are given certificates after evaluation in the field through MCQs.

9. Internship
(Opportunities in Environmental & Biodiversity Education for Graduates)

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation offers three types of internships to school, college and university students;

Degree-based Internship
This 6-8 weeks internship provides a platform and an opportunity to university students who require such internship as a compulsory part of their degree. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has signed MoUs with different universities and accommodates a number of students each year.
Paid Internship
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation offers 6-12 week paid internship to such university students who have completed their degrees or waiting for the results. This type of internship is subject to availability of space under different projects and according to the requirements of the foundation.

Voluntarily Internship
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation also offers 6-12 week months voluntary internship to such university students who have completed their degrees and need some practical experience in conservation and wildlife management. This type of internship is also subject to availability of space under different projects and according to the requirements of the foundation.

10. Membership

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation offers membership to nature lovers in the following categories;

Life Fellows
Individuals preferably scientists, biologists, ecologists, managers, wildlife policy makers, administrators, environmentalists and nature lovers having some research publications or relevant experience

Individuals preferably scientists, researchers, teachers and Nature lovers having relevant experience

Young Scientists
Students of B Sc, BS, B Sc (Hons.), M Sc, MS, M Phil and PhD

Earth-watch Volunteers
Students of Matric, F Sc, O-Levels and A-Levels

Honorary Members
Senior or retired professionals and nature lovers

Corporate Members
Organizations, industries and business entities

11. Consultancy Services

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation supports many activities like capacity building and training workshops, wildlife seminars and conferences, stipends and scholarships for young scientists etc. To meet the expenses of such activities, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation through a team of highly qualified and experienced wildlife managers, ecologists, biologists, herpetologists, ornithologists, mammalogists and environmentalists offers consultancy services in the following areas;

Wildlife Surveys and Monitoring
Ecological Baseline Studies (Herpetological, Ornithological, Mammalogical studies)
Ornithological Monitoring
Wildlife Damage Control
Environmental Impact Assessments
Training of Trainers for Wildlife and Allied Departments

OUR PROJECTS (Completed)

Ecosystem Services in Himalayas and Hindu Kush and implemented in Upper Indus Basin including Gilgit, Hunza and Chitral. Funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway and promoted jointly by ICIMOD, UNEP/GRID-Arendal, and CICERO, Norway (Completed in December 2013).
Distribution, Status and Current State of Habitat of Hog Deer (Axis porcinus) in Indus Eco-region. Funded by WWF-Pakistan (Completed in 2011).
Wildlife Survey at Thar-Coal Project Site Tharparkar, Pakistan. A part of EIA of Thar-Coal Project Funded by Mott McDonald Pakistan (Completed in 2012).
Ecological Baseline Studies along Nara Canal in Sindh, Pakistan. A part of EIA to design and implement the improvement of the irrigation and canal systems. Funded by Mott McDonald Pakistan (Completed in January 2012).
Organized International Conference on Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources of Pakistan jointly with University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore. Funded by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (Completed in August, 2012).
Status of Marsh crocodile (Crocodilus palustris) in Haleji Lake, Sindh, Pakistan. Funded by Sindh Wildlife Department (Completed in December 2011).
Ornithological Monitoring for a 50 MV Wind Power Project at Jhimpir, District Thatta, Pakistan. Funded by Fina Enerji Holding, Istanbul, Turkey (Completed November, 2011).
Distribution and Status of Punjab Urial (Ovis vignei punjabiensis) in Soan Valley, Salt Range Punjab, Pakistan. Funded by Pakistan Wetlands Programme of Ministry of Environment (Completed 2011).
Herpetological and Mammalian Studies at Salt Range Wetland Complex, Punjab, Pakistan. Funded by Pakistan Wetlands Programme of Ministry of Environment (Completed May, 2011).
Herpetological and Mammalian Studies at Four Small Dams in Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan. Funded by Pakistan Wetlands Programme of Ministry of Environment (Completed November, 2011).
Herpetological and Mammalian Studies at Five High-altitude Wetlands in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Funded by Pakistan Wetlands Programme of Ministry of Environment (Completed August, 2011).
Herpetological and Mammalian survey along coastal areas in Balochistan Province. Funded by Pakistan Wetlands Programme of Ministry of Environment (Completed January, 2011).
Distribution, Habitat Evaluation and Status of Punjab Urial (Ovis vignei punjabiensis) in Punjab, Pakistan. Funded by WWF-Pakistan (Completed December, 2015).


i. Wildlife Rescue Centers (2010 to Date)

In order to protect wildlife and implement animal rights in Pakistan, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has taken the initiative to rescue different wildlife species throughout the country through its field biologists, members and veterinarians. Three Wildlife Rescue Centers have so far been established in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi that work in collaboration with provincial wildlife departments. Twelve volunteers are available to Pakistan Wildlife Foundation for wildlife rescue activities. No funding is available for wildlife rescue activities and the foundation is managing such activities with its own limited resources and active cooperation of volunteers of the rescue team.

ii. Conservation and Management of Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) in Pakistan
(July 2019 to June 2024)

Pangolins belong to the Order Pholidota of class Mammalia. There are eight species of pangolins in the world and all being THREATENED according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN, 2013). Pakistan hosts one species; the Indian Pangolin (Manus crassicaudata) which is Endangered globally. Because of its continuous and ruthless killing for its meat and scales, its population is declining at alarming rate and is at the verge of extinction in Pakistan. Although the species is protected under Provincial Wildlife Acts in Pakistan, yet the effective conservation measures are not being observed in the country and still the species is striving for its survival in the country. A vast area comprising of lower slopes of mountains, sub-tropical thorn forests and plains in almost all over the country make the habitats of this species. But unfortunately, despite intact habitats at several locations in Pakistan, the species is facing severe threats and found in isolated populations.

Pangolins being anteaters depend upon termites and ants and hence, control the population of termites in the ecosystem. Due to a drastic decline in pangolin population, the termites having no active predator have flourished rapidly and have reached almost everywhere in human settlements, agricultural lands, orchards, forests, irrigated plantations etc. and destroying everything. Pangolin having a unique role of eliminating the termites from ecosystem needs special and immediate efforts for its conservation and reintroduction in its protected habitats. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation jointly with Pakistan Wildlife Conservation Foundation and in collaboration with provincial wildlife departments has started this project with the objectives to conserve and manage the declining populations of pangolin in Pakistan as well as the conservation of threatened natural habitats and ecosystems through biologically controlling the rapidly spreading termites in the country.

iii. Development of Authentic and Up-to-date Checklists of Wildlife Fauna of Pakistan
(July to December, 2019)

Pakistan hosts a wide range of ecosystem / habitat types. There are snow covered peaks, permanent snowfields, lush green as well as barren mountains, forests, irrigated plains, riverine tracts, sand dunes and deserts and coastal areas. Three largest mountain ranges of the world i.e. Karakoram, Hindukush and Himalayas merge in the northern areas of Pakistan. Similarly, three out of the seven Zoogeographical regions of the world i.e. Oriental, Palearctic and Ethiopean regions merge in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. Due to such unique geographical and climatic conditions, Pakistan supports a much diversified wildlife fauna. The vertebrate wildlife fauna of Pakistan consists of more than 2,325 species which includes;

Freshwater Fish Species = 200
Marine Fish Species = 800
Amphibans = 24
Reptiles = 335
Birds = 676
Mammals = 290

The above mentioned statistics and figures are from 1980’s and early 1990’s. It means the baseline studies conducted by our ecologists and biologists around 3-4 decades ago are still being coted and refered. During the course of three decades, a number of species have been disappeared and similarly, many new species would have become emerged. Unfortunately, not a single website of any government department including provincial wildlife departments, forest departments, directorate of biodiversity, Ministry of Climate Change, Zoological Survey of Pakistan, Non-government Conservation organizations etc. display the uptodated lists of wildlife species of Pakistan. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation started this project in July 2019 with the financial assistance of Pakistan Wildlife Conservation Foundation. The objectives are to prepare and publish the authentic and uptodate checklists of wildlife fauna of Pakistan and reavaluation and reassessment of verteberate species of Pakistan. These checklists will be based on a thorough review of available literature, published and unpublished reports of provincial wildlife departments and theses of researchers from different universities and research organizations.

iv. Wildlife Documentaries / Video-graphy (2018 onwards)

Wildlife videos are a good source of understanding animal biology and behavior but unfortunately little attention and least interest is observed in Pakistan towards wildlife videography. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation, under its Media and IT Unit has established a setup for videography equipped with latest equipments and a team of professional videographers. The objectives are to record and document video graphic evidences of different wildlife species, make videos of different protected areas of Pakistan and to utilize these tools and resources for education and awareness raising among the young scientists, researchers and nature lovers.

v. DNA-based Animal Classification (2012 onwards)

Wildlife species of Pakistan have been classified on the basis of their morphological characters resulting into some confusion at species and subspecies level, especially among mammalian and avian species. Using the latest techniques of DNA sequencing, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has taken the initiative of DNA-based classification of wildlife fauna of Pakistan. It will be a major shift in research on wildlife and a thrust to remove the confusions in animal classification made on the basis of morphological characters.


Pakistan Wildlife Colloquium

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation aims to organize annual WILDLIFE COLLOQUIA in collaboration with universities, research institutes and wildlife departments. The objective of such colloquia is to provide a platform for the wildlife and nature lovers of the country to share their wildlife related research and experiences with others and an opportunity for the young scientists to learn from experiences of their seniors. The first International PAKISTAN WILDLIFE COLLOQUIUM is planned in November 2019. The Colloquium will be of two days duration where in different sessions popular as well as research articles could be presented. Besides, in a brainstorming session, wildlife lovers could also share their wildlife related experiences.

Awards and Appreciation Certificates

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation in recognition of the contributions of individuals towards nature conservation plans to confirm their excellence through different awards and appreciation certificates. The objectives behind these awards are to motivate researchers, young scientists and wildlife lovers and admire their efforts for nature conservation. These awards and certificates will be awarded during the first International PAKISTAN WILDLIFE COLLOQUIA in November / December, 2019. Different awards include:

Lifetime Achievement Award 2019
Conservationist of the Year Award 2019
Young Scientist of the Year Award 2019

Pakistan Wildlife Foundation
Email: info@wildlife.org.pk